Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy Anniversary - to US!

Today is the one year anniversary of the NEW Ivey Photography.  January 2nd, 2009 marks the day that I purchased the business from Janie Ivey Whitter.  This time of year, most people look back and think "What could have been?".  I am looking forward and wondering "What will be?".  Of course, we made so many great images this past year, it is hard to not look back (best of video coming).  Along the way, we made a few mistakes, and its good to take those lessons and look forward.  We hope all of our blog readers and clients (new and old) are happy with the change in ownership here at Ivey.  Not that we don't miss Janie and David, but we feel like we've added much needed life and energy to the business.  Photography is a difficult business in that you have to reinvent yourself for every client.  Each person wants to feel like they are getting something unique.  I think we do a good job with the task of creating, but still sticking to the classic portraiture and values that Ray Ivey would want.  We're proud to begin year two as the NEW Ivey Photography.  We have many goals to reach, many new clients to gain, and many past clients to retain.  We hope you'll come along with us for the ride that will be Ivey 2010.  Happy New Year everyone!

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